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TCPA for Cannabis

TCPA for Cannabis

Recreational marijuana use has been legalized in 11 states and medical marijuana use has been decriminalized to one extent or another in more than 20 additional states. But marijuana is still classified as schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 and is illegal for any purpose at the federal level.

The legality of the cannabis industry varies wildly from state to state, and even between localities within individual states. Many cannabis companies spend considerable time and resources navigating this confusing legal and regulatory landscape. However, they often fail to understand another risky, similarly complex legal infrastructure: the world of telemarketing regulations. And the litigators are aware of this vulnerability, with the number of TCPA lawsuits against cannabis companies increasing noticeably over the last several months.

This guide will cover the unique TCPA risks faced by cannabis businesses, explore some relevant case studies, and provide some best practices.

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