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TrustCall® Monitor

Stop unwanted call blocking & labeling

TrustCall® Monitor is a real-time monitoring and alerts dashboard that provides actionable intelligence to help you address unwanted call labeling and blocking issues. Proactively monitor the trust reputation of your outposted caller ID and get email notifications when it could directly impact your call deliverability.

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Increased call deliverability

Minimize unwanted call blocking and call labeling. Maximize call trust by identifying the "spam likely" score of your outposted numbers. Easily manage all your phone numbers in one place with the real-time TrustCall® Monitor management dashboard.


Real-time reporting

Daily and real-time alerts when the trust reputation of your outposted numbers changes. Daily reports showing your current score, historical score, RoboKiller app score, Nomorobo app score, and FTC complaints.


Insights & analytics

Live screenshots of how your call may be displayed on the consumer's device. Analytics that show your spam score over time. API Access.


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TrustCall® Monitor FAQs

What is SHAKEN/STIR caller id authentication?
SHAKEN/STIR is a suite of protocols and standards for calls that are intended to combat caller ID spoofing. These protocols are being used by telecom providers, in response to federal and state regulations, to serve technological efforts to prevent illegal robocalls. Telecom providers use STIR/SHAKEN protocols to build call-blocking features to prevent scammers and illegal robocallers from using their networks. However, it is also entirely possible and perhaps even likely that legitimate callers will also have their calls blocked by these features.
Will STIR/SHAKEN affect my call deliverability?
While it is impossible to say for certain how or even whether or not the broad adoption of SHAKEN/STIR will affect any particular caller, it is certain to affect the calling environment as a whole. SHAKEN/STIR, or similar call authentication frameworks, will soon be adopted by every telecom provider, with many already using it. And thanks to The TRACED Act and new, state-level legislation, providers have every incentive to err on the side of blocking calls, even if that means preventing some perfectly legal calls from being connected. Indeed, there is already evidence of how regulatory enforcement efforts against providers who allow illegal robocalls to get through is ensuring that we are in a new era in terms of call deliverability. All legitimate callers would be well served to have a STIR/SHAKEN solution going forward.
When will the FCC STIR/SHAKEN order take effect?
All large and midsize carriers were required to adopt STIR/SHAKEN call authentication technology by June 30, 2021.
How does Contact Center Compliance help mitigate illegal robocall traffic?
Contact Center Compliance uses advanced robocall mitigation rules and caller ID authentication solutions to detect illegal robocalls and prevent bad actors from reaching consumers. Our system also integrates with the Robocall Mitigation Database to ensure compliance with federal regulations.
What types of providers must comply with caller ID authentication obligations?
Providers such as interconnected VOIP providers, competitive local exchange carriers, and non-common carriers must comply with caller identification authentication obligations to prevent fraudulent activity. The TrustCall® Monitor helps businesses maintain their caller reputation by providing real-time monitoring.
What are the obligations on gateway providers regarding robocall mitigation?
Gateway providers are responsible for ensuring that robocall mitigation requirements are met across their network infrastructure. This includes monitoring illegal robocall traffic and taking reasonable steps to comply with the robocall mitigation program descriptions outlined by the Federal Communications Commission.
What steps should businesses take to reduce the risk of being labeled as "spam likely"?
Businesses should use the TrustCall® Monitor to track their caller intent and ensure their phone numbers are not mislabeled. The TrustCall® Monitor offers daily reports and real-time alerts that help businesses stay informed about their caller ID reputation and take necessary actions to avoid consumer harm.
How can Contact Center Compliance help businesses comply with regulatory agency actions?
Our platform provides comprehensive scrubbing solutions to meet the requirements set by regulatory agencies, including the Federal Register and the Federal Communications Commission. We help businesses comply with formal actions and traceback requests, providing them sufficient time to implement mitigation steps.
What industries benefit from Contact Center Compliance’s services?
A wide range of industries, including telecommunications carriers, competitive access providers, and shared-tenant service providers, benefit from our DNC scrubbing and compliance services. We also assist foreign voice service providers and downstream providers with adherence to U.S. compliance standards.