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Vendor Vetting Mastery: Ensuring Compliance and Trustworthiness in Your Business Relationships

While many of us are familiar with the concept of 'Know Your Customer' (KYC), how many of us have established a robust procedure for evaluating our vendors? It's not just about choosing a vendor but ensuring they align with your organization's standards and regulations. For instance, when it comes to TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) regulations, have you clearly delineated roles and responsibilities? It's crucial to remember that outsourcing a function doesn't mean you're outsourcing accountability. Can you genuinely entrust your regulatory obligations to a third party and still maintain compliance? Join Isaac Shloss, Chief Product Officer at, and Alexandra Krasovec, Partner at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP, in our comprehensive Vendor Due Diligence Workshop. We aim to delve deep into the best practices for vendor onboarding and provide insights to ensure your business relationships are not just profitable but also compliant and trustworthy. Strengthen your vendor partnerships by equipping yourself with the knowledge and tools to onboard with confidence.

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